Monday, August 27, 2007

Help Is On The Way

Every since I began to use Sircuit products, my skin has NEVER felt better! I can’t say enough to show my gratitude to a line that truly cares about our health and actually gets ‘it’. As I entered my adult years, I began to suffer from rosacea around my face. I didn’t understand it and I began to get frustrated after trying many products claiming to help my situation. None worked. In fact, some aggravated my symptoms more and made me self conscious. Not a good thing. My point here is that I want to share an email that a friend of mine sent me. She also suffers from rosacea and little did we know that help was on the way in a little bottle called OMG.

My Dearest Carlos,

Thank you so much for letting me try the OMG serum. A week later and my skin has never felt or looked so good! The redness and itching from my rosacea have completely subsided. Even the red bumps have disappeared. I can’t believe it! You were right. After all these years I FINALLY find something that works and that helped me! I’m actually wearing less make-up now, me…could you believe that. Please extend my gratitude to Michael for created an amazing line. Thank you, thank you, thank you!


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